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The VocabularySpellingCity Story. VocabularySpellingCity's website and app provide K-12 cross-curricular word study with online vocabulary, writing, phonics, and spelling programs that give students immediate feedback and record their progress on any device. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the results of the spelling and grammar check. This way, you will enable us to improve our service. Contact us if you want to implement a spell-checking tool adapted to your company (for French, English or other languages). If you are looking for a PC product, we recommend Ginger. VocabularySpellingCity Student. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the results of the spelling and grammar check. This way, you will enable us to improve our service. Contact us if you want to implement a spell-checking tool adapted to your company (for French, English or other languages). If you are looking for a PC product, we recommend Ginger. Teaching spelling and vocabulary is easy with VocabularySpellingCity! Students can study and learn their word lists using vocabulary and spelling learning activities and games. Students can take final or practice spelling and vocabulary tests right on this engaging site. Premium games and automated student record keeping are available to Premium Members.

Spelling is a set of conventions that regulate the way of using graphemes to represent a language in its written form.[1] In other words, spelling is the rendering of speech sound (phoneme) into writing (grapheme). Spelling is one of the elements of orthography, and highly standardized spelling is a prescriptive element.

Spellings originated as transcriptions of the sounds of spoken language according to the alphabetic principle. They remain largely reflective of the sounds, although fully phonemic spelling is an ideal that most languages' orthographies only approximate, some more closely than others. This is true for various reasons, including that pronunciation changes over time in all languages, yet spellings as visual norms may resist change. In addition, words from other languages may be adopted without being adapted to the spelling system, and different meanings of a word or homophones may be deliberately spelled in different ways to differentiate them visually.

Spelling standards and conventions[edit]

Standardization of spelling is connected with the development of writing and the establishment of modern standard dialects.[2][3] Languages with established orthography are those languages that enjoy an official status and a degree of institutional support in a country. Therefore, normative spelling is a relatively recent development linked to the compiling of dictionaries, the founding of national academies and other institutions of language maintenance, including widespread education and literacy, and often does not apply to minority and regional languages.

In countries or regions where there is an authoritative language academy, such as France, the Netherlands, and the German-speaking areas, reforms are regularly made so that spelling better matches the changing pronunciation.


Examples include:

  • French rectifications orthographiques of 1990.

English-language spelling reform proposals have been regularly made since the 16th century, but have made little impact apart from a few spellings preferred by Noah Webster having contributed to American and British English spelling differences.



Learning proper spelling by rote is a traditional element of elementary education and divergence from standard spelling is often perceived as an indicator of low intelligence, illiteracy, or lower class standing.[4]

Spelling tests are commonly used to assess a student's mastery over the words in the spelling lessons the student has received so far. They can also be an effective practice method. Spelling bees are competitions to determine the best speller of a group. Prominent spelling bees are even televised, such as the National Spelling Bee in the United States.


Divergent spelling is a popular advertising technique, used to attract attention or to render a trademark 'suggestive' rather than 'merely descriptive.' The pastry chains Dunkin' Donuts and Krispy Kreme, for example, employ non-standard spellings.


A misspelling of purchased on a service station sign.

While some words admit multiple spellings, some spellings are not considered standard. These are commonly called 'misspellings'. A misspelled word can be a series of letters that represents no correctly spelled word of the same language at all (such as 'leik' for 'like') or a correct spelling of another word (such as writing 'here' when one means 'hear', or 'no' when one means 'know'). Misspellings of the latter type is called 'atomic typo' and it can easily make their way into printed material because they are not caught by simple computerized spell checkers.

Misspellings may be due to typing errors (e.g. the transposition error teh for the), lack of knowledge of the normative spelling, or lack of concern over spelling rules at all. Whether or not a word is misspelled may depend on context and the orthographic conventions adopted, as is the case with American / British English distinctions. Misspelling can also be a matter of opinion when variant spellings are accepted by some and not by others. For example, 'miniscule' (for 'minuscule') is a misspelling to many,[5] and yet it is listed as an acceptable variant in some dictionaries.[6][7]

A well-known Internet scam involves the registration of domain names that are deliberate misspellings of well-known corporate names to mislead or defraud. The practice is commonly known as 'typosquatting.'[8]

383 spellings of the word presbyterian[edit]

According to Ghil'ad Zuckermann, in the Australian 1976 Population Census, Presbyterian Australians used 383 different spellings to describe their own denomination. For example: presbeterian, prespertarian, prespreterian, presbiterian, presbyrterian, presbytarians, presybyterian, presybeterian, presyterian, presbytrian, prespeterian, prebyterian, presbytarian, presbyerian, presbertarian, presbetraian, presybartian, presyberian, prysbyterian, presbyterian, presbetarian, presbaterian, prebytarian, prebysterian, presbertain, preysbyerian, presbitarin, prsbyterian.[9]:210

Notable English misspellings in history[edit]

  • Cleveland, Ohio – the leader of the crew that surveyed the town's territory was General Moses Cleaveland, and the region was named in his honor; reportedly the town's first newspaper, the Cleveland Advertiser, could not fit the town's name in its masthead without removing the first 'a' from the name.[10]
  • Google – accidental misspelling of googol.[11] According to Google's vice president, as quoted on a BBCThe Money Programme documentary, January 2006, the founders – noted for their poor spelling – registered Google as a trademark and web address before someone pointed out that it was not correct. It's possible Google took this spelling from Steve Martin's 'Googlephonics' track from his 1979 album 'Comedy Is Not Pretty.' In it, he described Googlephonic as being '...the highest number of speakers before infinity.'
  • Ovaltine, a popular bedtime drink in the UK and Australia, came about because someone misspelled the original name Ovomaltine on the trademark documentation.[citation needed]
  • Referer – common misspelling of the word referrer. It is so common that it made it into the official specification of HTTP – the communication protocol of the World Wide Web – and has, therefore, become the standard industry spelling when discussing HTTP referers.[12]
  • Sequim, Washington – 'In 1879 the first post office was built and named 'Seguin' for the surrounding area. [...] In 1907, due to a Postal Official's error in reading an official report, the post office was titled 'Seguim' for approximately a month. With the next report, the Official read the letter 'g' as a 'q' and the post office here became known as 'Sequim.' The name change did not worry the residents enough to protest. It has been known as Sequim ever since.'[13]
  • According to some, the name of Quartzsite, a mining town in Arizona, was spelled wrongly. It should be Quartzite, after the mineral quartzite.[14]
  • Zenith – Arabic zamt was misread; in Latin letters, at the time, the letter i was never dotted, so 'm' looked like 'ni'.[15]
  • Arab, Alabama – This town in north Alabama was named Arad, after its founder, Arad Thompson, but the name was misspelled on a US Post Office map as 'Arab', and the misspelled name stuck.

See also[edit]

English spelling
Other languages


  1. ^Coulmas, F. (1996), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems, Oxford:Blackwells
  2. ^Ulrich Ammon (2004), 'Standard variety', Sociolinguistics, 1, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 273–283, ISBN978-3-11-014189-4
  3. ^František Trávníček (1940), Nástroj myšlení a dorozumělní: hrst úvah o spisovné češtině (in Czech), F. Borový, p. 206
  4. ^1992: Gaffe with an 'e' at the end, by Paul Mickle / The Trentonian
  5. ^'minuscule', Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary; states that this spelling is 'widely regarded as an error'
  6. ^'minuscule', The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  7. ^'minuscule', Cambridge Dictionary of American English
  8. ^'Typosquatters Act May Apply to Misspelling Domain Names to Mislead Surfers', Shari Claire Lewis, New York Law Journal, September 15, 2004,
  9. ^Zuckermann, Ghil'ad (2020). Revivalistics: From the Genesis of Israeli to Language Reclamation in Australia and Beyond. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN9780199812790.
  10. ^Ohio, p. 138, Victoria Sherrow, Marshall Cavendish, 2008
  11. ^QI: Quite Interesting facts about 100, telegraph.co.uk
  12. ^referer – Definitions from Dictionary.com
  13. ^Robinson, J. (2005). 'Sequim History'(PDF). City of Sequim, Washington. Retrieved July 24, 2008.
  14. ^Town of Quartzsite 2003 General Plan
  15. ^Norbury, J. K. W. Word Formation in the Noun and Adjective.

Further reading[edit]

  • Henry ML, Beeson PM, Stark AJ, Rapcsak SZ (January 2007). 'The role of left perisylvian cortical regions in spelling'. Brain Lang. 100 (1): 44–52. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2006.06.011. PMC2362101. PMID16890279.
  • Beeson PM (2004). 'Remediation of written language'. Top Stroke Rehabil. 11 (1): 37–48. doi:10.1310/D4AM-XY9Y-QDFT-YUR0. PMID14872398.

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: Spelling
Look up spelling in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
  • Ford, O.T. BASIC LINGUISTICS OF ENGLISH. The Stewardship Project. (Concept of spelling)
  • 'Pronunciation guide with multilingual talking dictionary'. .howtopronounce.com.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spelling&oldid=1000936838'

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


a. The forming of words with letters in an accepted order; orthography.
2. The way in which a word is spelled.
3. A person's ability to spell words: a writer plagued by bad spelling.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Spelling Bee

(ˈspɛlɪŋ) n
1. (Linguistics) the act or process of writing words by using the letters conventionally accepted for their formation; orthography
3. (Linguistics) the actual way in which a word is spelt
4. the ability of a person to spell: John's spelling is good.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈspɛl ɪŋ)
1. the manner in which words are spelled; orthography.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


the practice or defect of incorrect spelling. — cacographer, n. — cacographic, cacographical, adj.
a phonetic spelling system in which for each sound the letter or digraph most commonly found representing that sound is used.
Rare. the study of nonphonetic spelling. — hetericist, n.
1. the practice of spelling in a way contrary to standard usage.
2. the use of the same letters or combinations of letters to represent different sounds, as in English tough and dough. — heterographic, heterographical, adj.
1. the art of writing words according to accepted usage; correct spelling.
2. that part of grammar that treats of letters and spelling.
3. a method of spelling. — orthographer, n. — orthographic, adj.
any phonetic spelling, writing, or shorthand system. — phonog-rapher, phonographist, n. — phonographic, phonographical, adj.

Vocabulary Spelling City Free

-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.spelling - forming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usage
orthography, writing system - a method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols
alphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; 'his grandmother taught him his letters'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


nounorthographyI had to correct several mistakes in her spelling.
'My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong place' [A.A. Milne Winnie the Pooh]
'`Do you spell it with a 'V' or a 'W'?'. `That depends upon the taste and fancy of the speller, my Lord.' [Charles Dickens Pickwick Papers]
'orthography: the science of spelling by the eye instead of the ear' [Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


the correct spelling isla ortografíacorrecta es ...
my spelling is terriblecometo muchas faltas de ortografía
B.CPDspelling beeNcertamenm de ortografía
spelling checkerNcorrectormortográfico
spelling mistakeNfaltaf de ortografía
spelling pronunciationNpronunciaciónfortográfica
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= ability, action) → orthographef
My spelling is terrible → Je faisbeaucoup defautes d'orthographe.
I'm terrible at spelling → Je suis très mauvais en orthographe.
modif [error, test, rule] → d'orthographe; [variant] → orthographique; [reform] → de l'orthographe
a spelling mistake → une faute d'orthographespelling error nfautef d'orthographe
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nRechtschreibungf, → Orthografief; (of a word)Schreibweisef; (= activity)Rechtschreibennt; (Sch: = lesson) → Rechtschreibeunterrichtm; the correct spelling is …die richtigeSchreibweise ist …


spelling bee
spelling book
spelling check
spelling mistake
n(Recht)schreibfehlerm, →

Spelling City Freeplay

spelling pronunciation
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(spel) past tense, past participle spelt (-t) , spelled verb
1. to name or give in order the letters of (a word). I asked him to spell his name for me. spel يَتَهَجّى الإسْم казвам буква по буква soletrar hláskovat buchstabieren stave συλλαβίζωdeletrear tähthaaval ütlema هجي كردن tavata épeler לְאָייֵת ठीक हिज्जे करना sricati, izgovarati slovo po slovo betűz mengeja stafa compitare つづりを言う 철자를 말하다 (pa)sakyti/(pa)rašyti, (pa)skaityti paraidžiui nosaukt pa burtiem mengeja spellenstave literować هجا کول soletrar a spune pe litere, a face spel­ling произносить или писать по буквам hláskovať črkovati spelovati stava อ่านสะกดคำ hecelemek, harf harf söylemek 拼寫 вимовляти по літерах; читати по складах ہجّے کرنا đánh vần 拼写
2. (of letters) to form (a word). C-a-t spells `cat'. spel يَقْرأ حُروفا образувам дума ler-se dávat ergeben sige σχηματίζω λέξη, διαβάζομαι (για γράμμα) formar (sõna) moodustama, teeb kokku تشكيل دادن tavata donner לְהַרכִּיב מִילָה हिज्जे pisati se betűzve.... membentuk kata mynda formare, dare ~という語になる 철자하다 sudaryti sastādīt; veidot mengeja de spelling zijn van staves czytać się تشکیل ورکول ler-se a da составлять dávať dohromady sestavljati (besede) činiti stavas จัดเรียงคำ harflerini oluşturmak (字母)拼作 утворювати, складати حرفوں کا مل کر لفظ بنانا viết theo chính tả (字母)拼作
3. to (be able to) spell words correctly. I can't spell! spel يَتَهَجّى الكَلِمَه произнасям буква по буква grafar corretamente znát pravopis buchstabieren stave ξέρω ορθογραφία escribir correctamente (õigesti) kirjutama به درستي هجي كردن tavata savoir l'orthographe לְאַיֵית ठीक हिज्जे करने में समर्थ होना ispravno pisati helyesen ír mengeja stafsetja (scrivere correttamente) つづる 철자를 쓰다 taisyklingai rašyti rakstīt (vārdus) pareizi mengeja spellen stave/skrive rett pisać ortograficznie په سمه هجا کول grafar correctamente a scrie/a spune pe litere писать правильно správne písať znati pravilno pisati spelovati stava สะกดคำ hecelemek (能正確)拼字 писати слова правильно صحیح ہجّے کرنا đánh vần, viết vần (能正确)拼字
4. to mean or amount to. This spells disaster. loop uit op, beteken يُنْبئُ بِ، يَعْني предвещавам significar znamenat bedeuten betyde σημαίνω, ισοδυναμώ με significar, representar tähendama به معني چيزي بودن merkitä signifier, mener à פֵּירוּשוֹ अर्थ होना nagoviještati, značiti jelent berarti þÿða, jafngilda significare 意味する (~결과를) 초래하다 reikšti nozīmēt menandakan betekenenbetyoznaczać د يوه شي معنا وركول significar a însemna, a semnifica означать znamenať pomeniti značiti betyda ความหมาย anlamına gelmek 意味著 означати, призводити до کسی انجام کو پہنچتا نظر آنا báo hiệu 意味着
speller noun
1. a computer program that corrects spelling mistakes. speltoetser بَرنامَج التَّهْجِئَه على الحاسوب комп. програма за поправяне на грешки corretor ortográfico počítačový program kontrolující pravopis die Rechtschreibkontrolle staveprogram ορθογράφος Η/Υ corrector ortográfico speller, õigekirja kontrollija برنامه ي صحت هجي كلمات oikolukija correcteur d'orthographe מְאַייֵת हिज्जे ठीक करने का एक कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम program koji ispravlja pravopisne pogreške helyesírásellenőrző program pengoreksi ejaan dalam komputer (correttore ortografico) 철자 교정프로그램 rašybos kontrolės programa pareizrakstības programma datorā program ejaan spellingsprogramma stavekontroll program sprawdzający ortografię یو دول پروګرام دی компьютерная программа корректор počítačový program opravy pravopisných chýb črkovalnik program za kontrolu pravopisa rättstavningsprogram โปรแกรมตรวจคำผิด imlâ denetleyicisi 電腦拼寫檢查程式 програма перевірки орфографії ہجّے صحیح کرنے والا کمپیوٹر کا پروگرام chương trình chữa lỗi chính tả 计算机拼写检查程序
2. someone who is good or bad at spelling. She is a good speller. speller المُتَهَجّي човек, който пише правилно soletrador kdo (ne)umí pravopis der Buchtabierer staver καλός ή κακός στην ορθογραφία ortógrafo õigekirjutaja كسي كه كلمات را هجي مي كند tavaaja personne bonne ou mauvaise en orthographe מְאַייֵת טוֹב हिज्जे ठीक या खराब करने वाला onaj koji sriče, piše jó v. rossz helyesíró orang yang baik/buruk ejaannya (chi compita) 字をつづる人 철자하는 사람 raštingas, mažaraštis rakstītpratējs pandai mengeja speller en som staver [] z ortografii هجا كوونكي неграмотный человек človek, ktorý hláskuje kdor črkuje onaj koji pravilno piše [hon är bra på] att stava ผู้สะกดคำ heceleyen (kimse) 拼字者 людина, яка пише (не)грамотно اچھا یا برا ہجّے کرنے والا người đánh vần 拼字者
3. (American) a book for teaching spelling. spellingboek كِتاب تَعْليم التَّهْجِئَه правописен речник soletrador cvičebnice pravopisu das Buchstabierlehrbuch lærebog i stavning εγχειρίδιο ορθογραφίας manual de ortografía õigekirja õpik كتاب املا oikeinkirjoituksen oppikirja manuel d'orthographe סֵפֶר לְאִיוּת हिज्जे सिखाने वाली किताब knjiga za sricanje, početnica helyesírási munkafüzet buku ejaan sillabario つづり字教本 (미국) 철자 교과서 rašybos vadovėlis pareizrakstības mācību grāmata buku ejaan abc-boek stavebok, rettskrivingsordliste słownik ortograficzny د املا کتاب орфографический справочник pravopisná príručka knjiga za črkovanje bukvar rättskrivningslära หนังสือสอนการสะกดคำ imlâ kılavuzu 拼音課本 збірник вправ із правопису ہجّے سکھانے والی کتاب sách học vần 拼音课本
ˈspelling nounSpelling
Her spelling is terrible; (also adjective) The teacher gave the children a spelling lesson/test. spelling تَهْجِئَه правопис ortografia pravopis(ný) die Rechtschreibung; Rechtschreibe-... stavning; stave- ορθογραφίαortografía õigekiri, õigekirja- oikeinkirjoitus orthographeכתיב वर्तनी, हिज्जे, वर्ण विन्यास sricanje, pravilno pisanje riječi helyesírás ejaan stafsetning spelling, ortografia 語のつづり方 철자법 rašyba pareizrakstība; pareizrakstības- ejaan spellingortografi, rettskrivingortografia هجا ويل ortografia (de) ortografie правописание; орфография hláskovanie, pravopis; pravopisný pravopis spelovanje stavning การสะกดคำ heceleme, yazım, imlâ 拼字 правопис, орфографія ہجّے کرنے کی صلاحیت việc viết chính tả 拼字
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تَهْجِئَة pravopis stavningRechtschreibungορθογραφίαortografía oikeinkirjoitusorthographe pisanjeortografia つづり 철자법spellingstavingpisowniaortografiaправописание stavning การสะกดคำheceleme đánh vấn拼写
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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